In total 21 Journal papers, 25 conference papers, 5 book chapters, 11 posters and 3 reports
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Journal Papers
- Ameta G., Lipman R., Moylan S. and Witherell P., "Investigating the Role of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing in Additive Manufacturing", Article in Press, Journal of Mechanical Design.
- Hu Y., Srinivasan R., Spoll J., and Ameta G., "Graph Based Method and Tool for Complete and Selective Disassembly Time Estimation in Early Design", Journal of Computers and Information Science in Engineering, Vol 15(3), September 2015, 10pp.
- Huang H. and Ameta G., "An XML Based Machining Energy Estimation Tool From Process Plans", International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Article accepted December 2014.
- Huang H. and Ameta G., "Computational energy estimation tools for machining operations during preliminary design", International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, Taylor and Francis, 7(2), pp 130-143
- Huang H. and Ameta G., "A Novel Pattern for Energy Estimation Framework and Tools to Compute Energy Consumption in Product Life Cycle", Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, ASME Transactions, March 2014, 14(1), 12 pages
- Mani M., Johansson B., Lyons K., Sriram R.D. and Ameta G., “Modeling, Simulation and Analysis for Sustainable Product Realization”, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Vol. 18(5), June 2013, pp 1129-1136.
- Singh G., Ameta G., Davidson J.K., and Shah J.J., "Tolerance Analysis of a Self-Aligning Coupling Assembly using Tolerance-Maps in Design", Vol 135(3), Journal of Mechanical Design, March 2013, 14pp.
- Ameta G., "Establishing the Energy Profile for Geometric Variations of a Planar Surface", Procedia CIRP, Elsevier, Vol. 10, pp 294-298.
- Ameta G., Samper S. and Giordano M., "Comparison of Spatial Math Models for Tolerance Analysis: Tolerance-Maps, Deviation Domain, and TTRS", Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, Vol. 11(2), 021004, 8pp, 2011.
- Ameta G., Davidson J.K., and Shah J.J., "Effects of Size, Orientation, and Form Tolerances on the Frequency Distributions of clearance between two planar faces", Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, Vol. 11(1), 011002, 10pp, 2011, Journal's Impact factor -0.784
- Ameta G., Rachuri S., Fiorentini X., Mani M., Fenves S. J., Lyons K., and Sriram R., "Extending the notion of quality from physical metrology to information and sustainability", Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol. 22(5), pp737-750, 2011, Journals Impact factor -0.972
- Ameta G., Panchal J. and Pezeshki C., "A Collective-Learning Approach to Sustainable Design Education", International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol 26(2), pp 265-270, 2010. Journal's impact factor - 0.751
- Ameta G., Davidson J.K., and Shah J.J., "Influence of form on Tolerance-Map-generated frequency distributions for 1-D clearance in design", Journal of Precision Engineering. Vol 34, pp 22-27, 2010. Journal's impact factor - 1.137
- Ameta G., Davidson J.K., and Shah J.J., "Statistical Tolerance Allocation for Tab-Slot Assemblies using Tolerance-Maps", Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, Vol 10(1), 2010. Journal's impact factor - 0.784
- Ameta G. and Sarkar P., “Comparison of Electronics Products Standards for Sustainability”, International Journal of Product Design, 1(1), 2010.
- Ameta G., Mani M., Rachuri S., Lyons K.W., Feng S.C., and Sriram R.D., "Carbon Weight Analysis for Machining Operation and Allocation for Redesign", International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, Vol 2(4), December 2009.
- Ameta G., "Recent Patents on Mechanical Tolerancing", Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering, Vol 2(1), pp 55-60, January 2009.
- Ameta G., Davidson J.K., and Shah J.J., "Using Tolerance-Maps to Generate Frequency Distributions of Clearance and Allocate Tolerances for Pin-Hole Assemblies", ASME Transaction, Journal of Computing and Information Science and Engineering, Vol 7(4), pp 347-359, December 2007.
- Ameta G., Davidson J. K., Shah J. J., "Tolerance-Maps Applied to A Point-Line Cluster of Features", ASME Transaction, Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol 129(8), August, 2007, pp781-792.
- Shah J.J., Ameta G., Shen Z., and Davidson J.K., "Navigating the Tolerance Analysis Maze", Computer Aided Design and Applications, Vol 4(5), pp 705-718, 2007.
- Shen Z., Ameta G., Shah J. J. and Davidson J. K., "A Comparative Study of Tolerance Analysis Methods", Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, Vol. 5(3), September 2005, pp247-256.
Dissertations/Thesis/Project Reports
- Gill A., "Hybrid uncertainty quantification methodology in Product Life-Cycle Assessment", M.S. Thesis, May 2014, Pullman, WA.
- Shankar A., "Novel Geometric Metric for Uncertainty Accumulation in Life Cycle Assessment", M.S. Thesis, Dec 2013, Pullman, WA.
- Hu Y., "Automatic Selective Assembly Time Estimation and Assembly Architecture Redesign Suggestions", M.S. Thesis, July 2013, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
- Baker M., "Towards Non-Rocket Space Launch Systems:Emergent Structure and Properties of A Lighter-than-Air Distributed System", M.S. Project Report, May 2013, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
- Huang H., "A CAD-Based Software Framework for Estimating Energy Through a Product Lifecycle", Ph.D. Dissertation, 2012, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
- Anazi M., "Effects of Arm Positions in a Stereolithography Machine on Geometric Quality of Manfuactured Surface", M.S. Project Report, 2012, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
- Srinivasan R., "Sustainability Analysis and Connective Complexity Method for Selective Disassembly Time Prediction", MS Thesis, 2011, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
- Ameta G., "Statistical tolerance analysis and allocation for assemblies using tolerance-maps", Ph.D. Dissertation, 2006, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
- Ameta G., "Tolerance-Maps applied to angled faces and two clusters of features", MS Thesis, 2004, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
Book Chapters
- Ameta G., "Design issues in Additive Manufacturing", in press for Additive Manufacturing (eds Bandhypadhyay A. and Bose S.), CRC press.
- Pezeshki C, Panchal J. and Ameta G., “Blueprints for Teaching Ecodesign and Sustainability to University Students - Blueprints for Success”, In Handbook of Sustainable Engineering, Editors Wolfgang Wimmer and Joanne Kauffman, 2012, Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands.
- Ameta G., and Hoffmann P., “Ontological Model of Tolerances for Interoperability in Product Life Cycle”, Chapter 26 In Geometric Variations within Product Lifecycle management (Selected Papers from the 11th CIRP International Conference on Computer-Aided Tolerancing, held at Université de Savoie, Annecy, France, 26-27 March 2009), Editors Max Giordano, Luc Mathieu and François Villeneuve, 2010, ISTE, HERMES publishers, London, UK.
- Hoffman P., Feng S.C., Ameta G., Ghodous P., and Qiao L., "Towards a Multi-View Semantic Model for Product Feature Description", In Collaborative Product and Service Life Cycle Management for a Sustainable World, Advanced Concurrent Engineering, (Proc., 15th ISPE Int'l Conference on Concurrent Engineering, Belfast, Ireland, August 18-22, 2008), pp. 205-213, 2008, Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands.
- Bhide, S., Ameta, G., Davidson, J.K., and Shah, J.J. "Tolerance-Maps Applied to the Straightness and Orientation of an Axis", In Models for Computer-Aided Tolerancing in Design and Manufacturing, (Proc., 9th CIRP Int'l Seminar on CAT, April 10-12, 2005, Tempe, AZ, USA), pp. 45-54, 2007, Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands.
- Jian A. D., Ameta G., Davidson J. K., Shah J. J., "Tolerance Analysis and Allocation using Tolerance-Maps for a Power Saw Assembly", In Models for Computer-Aided Tolerancing in Design and Manufacturing, (Proc., 9th CIRP Int'l Seminar on CAT, April 10-12, 2005, Tempe, AZ, USA), pp. 45-54, 2007, Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands.
Conference Papers
- Feng S. C, Witherell P. W., Ameta G., and Kim D. B.,"Common Requirements for Data Representations in Additive Manufacturing Processes", Proceedings of the ASME Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC) 15, ASME/MSEC 2015-9439, June 8-12, 2015, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
- Ameta G., Witherell P. W., Moylan S. and Lipman R.,"Tolerance Specification and Related Issues for Additively Manufactured Products", Proceedings of the ASME Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, ASME/CIE 2015-47531, August 2-5, 2015, Boston, MA, USA
- Ameta G., Moylan S., Witherell P. W. and Lipman R.,"Challenges in Tolerance Transfer for Additive Manufacturing", ASPE 2015 Spring Topical Meeting, Achieving Precision Tolerances in Additive Manufacturing, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, April 26-29, 2015
- Yang Hu and Ameta G., "LIFE-CYCLE ASSESSMENT AND ECO-DESIGN OF A WIRELESS TV/VCR REMOTE", Proceedings of American Society of Mechanical Engineering- International Design Engineering Technical Conference-2013/ Computers and Information in Engineering-12484, Portland, OR, USA, Aug 4 - 7.
- Ameta G., Brown C., Lubell J. and Lipman R., "A Survey of Standards for the Lifecycle Management of Composite Structural Products", Proceedings of American Society of Mechanical Engineering- International Design Engineering Technical Conference-2013/ Computers and Information in Engineering-12655, Portland, OR, USA, Aug 4 - 7.
- Ameta G., "Towards Establishing the Energy Profile for Geometric Variations of a Planar Surface", 12th CIRP Conference on Computer Aided Tolerancing, University of Huddersfield, 18th - 19th April 2012.
- Hawthorne B. and Ameta G., "LCA Study And Comparison Of Two Multispeed Blenders", Proceedings of American Society of Mechanical Engineering- International Design Engineering Technical Conference-2011/ Computers and Information in Engineering-48612, Washington DC, USA, Aug 28 - 31.
- Srinivasan R. and Ameta G., "Comparison of Life-Cycle Assessment of Two Toasters", Proceedings of American Society of Mechanical Engineering- International Design Engineering Technical Conference-2011/ Computers and Information in Engineering-48772, Washington DC, USA, Aug 28 - 31.
- Zhenghui S. and Ameta G., "Life-Cycle Asssessment of an Electric Rice Cooker: A Case Study", Proceedings of American Society of Mechanical Engineering- International Mechanical Engineering Congress - 2011 (paper no. 64356), Denver, CO, Nov 13-16.
- Huang H. and Ameta G., “Towards a Computational Framework for Energy Estimation: Needs, Requirements, and Its Generic Shell”, Proceedings of American Society of Mechanical Engineering-Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference-2010, Montreal, CA, USA, Aug 15 - 18.
- Huang H. and Ameta G., “Towards a Design Framework for Bi-Level Estimation of Turning Energy for Parts and Assemblies”, Proceedings of American Society of Mechanical Engineering-Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference-2009, West Lafayette, IN, USA, Oct 4 - 7.
- Ameta G., Huang H. and Mahesh M., “A Bi-level Framework for Estimating Manufacturing Energy and Carbon Weights of Milled Parts and Assemblies”, Proceedings of American Society of Mechanical Engineering-International Design Engineering Technical Conference-2009/ Computers and Information in Engineering-86805, San Deigo, CA, USA, August 30 - September 29.
- Ameta G., “Design for Sustainability - Overview and Trends”, The 17th International Conference on Engineering Design, 24th -27th August 2009, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
- Ameta G., and Hoffmann P., “Ontological Model of Tolerances for Interoperability in Product Life Cycle”, Proc., 11th CIRP Int'l Seminar on CAT, March 22-23, 2009, Annecy, France.
- Singh G., Ameta G., Davidson J.K. and Shah J.J., “Worst-Case Tolerance Analysis of a Self-Aligning Coupling Assembly using Tolerance-Maps”, (Best Paper Award) Proc., 11th CIRP Int'l Seminar on CAT, March 22-23, 2009, Annecy, France.
- Ameta G., “Towards a New Geometric Metric for Sustainability Assessment”, PerMis Conference, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, September 21st-23rd 2009.
- Ameta G., Panchal J. and Pezeshki C., “A Collective-Learning Approach to Sustainable Design Education”, Mudd Design Workshop VII, 28th May 2009.
- Mani M., Lyons K.W., Rachuri S., Ameta G., Subrahmanian E., Sriram R.D. and Feng S.C., "Introducing Sustainability early into Manufacturing Process Planning", Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Evanston, IL, USA, October 7-10, 2008.
- Hoffman P., Feng S.C., Ameta G., Ghodous P., and Qiao L., "Towards a Multi-View Semantic Model for Product Feature Description", Proc., 15th ISPE Int'l Conference on Concurrent Engineering, Belfast, Ireland, August 18-22, 2008.
- Ameta G., Davidson J. K., Shah J. J., "Using Tolerance-Maps to Generate Frequency Distributions of Clearance for Tab-Slot Assemblies", Proceedings of American Society of Mechanical Engineering-International Design Engineering Technical Conference-2007/ Computers and Information in Engineering-35162, Las Vegas, NV, USA, September 4-7.
- Ameta G., Davidson J. K., Shah J. J., "Influence of Form on Frequency Distributions for 1-D Clearance Which is generated from Tolerance-Maps". 10th CIRP conference on Computer Aided Tolerancing, March 21-23, Erlangen, Germany, 2007.
- Ameta G., Davidson J. K., Shah J. J., "Using Tolerance-Maps to generate Frequency Distributions of Clearance for Pin-Hole Assemblies", Proceedings of American Society of Mechanical Engineering-International Design Engineering Technical Conference-2006/Computers and Information in Engineering-99585, Philadelphia, PA, USA, September 10-13.
- Ameta G., Davidson J. K., Shah J. J., "Allocating Tolerance Statistically with Tolerance-Maps and Beta Distributions: The Target A Planar Face", Proceedings of American Society of Mechanical Engineering-International Design Engineering Technical Conference-2005/Design Automation Conference-85122, Long Beach, California, USA, September 24-28
- Ameta G., Davidson J. K., Shah J. J., "Tolerance-Maps Applied to A Point-Line Cluster of Features", Proceedings of American Society of Mechanical Engineering-International Design Engineering Technical Conference-2005/Design Automation Conference-85115, Long Beach, California, USA, September 24-28.
- Bhide, S., Ameta, G., Davidson, J.K., and Shah, J.J. "Tolerance-Maps Applied to the Straightness and Orientation of an Axis", Proc., 9th CIRP Int'l Seminar on CAT, April 10-12, 2005, Tempe, AZ, USA
- Jian A. D., Ameta G., Davidson J. K., Shah J. J., "Tolerance Analysis and Allocation using Tolerance-Maps for a Power Saw Assembly", Proc., 9th CIRP Int'l Seminar on CAT, April 10-12, 2005, Tempe, AZ, USA
- Ameta G., Davidson J. K., Shah J. J., "The Effects of Different Specifications on the Tolerance-Maps For An Angled Face", Proceedings of ASME 2004, Design Automation Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, September 28-October 2, Paper No. 57199
- Shen Z., Ameta G., Davidson J. K., Shah J. J., "A Comparative Study of Tolerance Analysis Methods" Proceedings of ASME 2004, 24th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, September 28-October 2.
- Diaz J., Hu Y. and Ameta G., "Poster:Weighted Graph based metrics for Assembly Time Estimation in Preliminary Design”, Summer REU, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, 2014.
- Spoll J., Hu Y. and Ameta G., "Poster: Validating Complete Disassembly and Selective Disassembly Time Estimation ", Summer REU, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, 2013.
- Hu Y. and Ameta G., "Poster: Graph based automatic computation of product disassembly and selective disassembly time from assembly models, CIE Poster session, International Design Engineering and Technical Conference - 2013. Portland, OR, USA, Aug 4-7.
- Yang Hu and Ameta G., "Poster: Graph based automatic computation of product disassembly time from assembly models", Wiley Research Exposition, 2013, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Raman A., and Ameta G., "Novel Multi-Dimensional Geometric Metric for Uncertainty in Life-Cycle Assessment", Wiley Research Exposition, 2013, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Srinivasan R., Hu Yang and Ameta G., "Poster:Estimating Selective Disassembly Time using Disassembly Graph based on Connective Complexity Metrics", CIE Poster Award, International Design Engineering Technical Conference-2012/ Computers and Information in Engineering, Chicago, IL, USA, Aug 11 - 14, 2012.
- Godinez, A. and Ameta G., "Poster:Flatness evaluation for a v-flash rapid prototype (rp) machine", Summer REU posters, Washington State University, 2012.
- Noah G. and Ameta G., “Poster: Towards a Multidimensional Geometric Metric for Sustainability”, Summer REU, 2010.
- Srinivasan R. and Ameta G., “Poster: Use - phase energy impact of two toasters: towards sustainable selective disassembly planning”, Proceedings of American Society of Mechanical Engineering-Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference -2010, Erie, PA, Oct 12-15.
- Ameta G., Davidson J. K., and Shah J.J., "Poster:Mathematical Model to Formalize Tolerance Specifications and Enable Full 3D Tolerance Analysis", NSF-DMII Grantees Conference, St. Louis, MO, 2006.
- Shen Z., Ameta G., Davidson J. K., and Shah J.J., "Poster:Mathematical Model to Formalize Tolerance Specifications and Enable Full 3D Tolerance Analysis", NSF-DMII Grantees Conference, Scottsdalte, AZ, 2005.
- Shen Z., Ameta G., Davidson J. K., and Shah J.J., "Poster:Mathematical Model to Formalize Tolerance Specifications and Enable Full 3D Tolerance Analysis", NSF-DMII Grantees Conference, Dallas, TX, 2004.
- Mani M., Johansson B. J., Lyons K. W., Sriram R. D., Ameta G., "Modeling, Simulation and Analysis for Sustainable Product Development", NISTIR 7745, Nov 2010, link
- Ameta G., Mani M., Rachuri S., Lyons K. W., Shaw F., Sriram R. D., "Carbon Weight Analysis for Machining Operation and Allocation for Redesign", NISTIR 7560, Dec 2009, link
- Ameta G., Rachuri S., Fiorentini X., Mani M., Fenves S. J., Lyons K. W., Sriram R. D., "Extending the Notion of Quality from Physical Metrology to Information and Sustainability", NISTIR 7515, July 2008, link
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