Pursuing Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, WSU, Expected Completion - 2015
M.S in Mechanical Engineering, WSU, Graduated July - 2013
Title: "Investigation of Sustainable Selective Disassembly Planning and Product Architecture Redesign Methodology"
Hu Y., "Automatic Selective Assembly Time Estimation and Assembly Architecture Redesign Suggestions", M.S. Thesis, July 2013, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Hu Y. and Ameta G., "LIFE-CYCLE ASSESSMENT AND ECO-DESIGN OF A WIRELESS TV/VCR REMOTE", Proceedings of American Society of Mechanical Engineering- International Design Engineering Technical Conference-2013/ Computers and Information in Engineering-12484, Portland, OR, USA, Aug 4 - 7.
Spoll J., Hu Y. and Ameta G., "Poster: Validating Complete Disassembly and Selective Disassembly Time Estimation ", Summer REU, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, 2013.
Hu Y. and Ameta G., "Poster: Graph based automatic computation of product disassembly and selective disassembly time from assembly models, CIE Poster session, International Design Engineering and Technical Conference - 2013. Portland, OR, USA, Aug 4-7.
Hu Y. and Ameta G., "Poster: Graph based automatic computation of product disassembly time from assembly models", Wiley Research Exposition, 2013, WSU, Pullman, WA.
Srinivasan R., Hu Yang and Ameta G., "Poster:Estimating Selective Disassembly Time using Disassembly Graph based on Connective Complexity Metrics", CIE Poster Award, International Design Engineering Technical Conference-2012/ Computers and Information in Engineering, Chicago, IL, USA, Aug 11 - 14, 2012.
Yang presenting her poster at the wiley research exposition -2013
Graduate Students
Undergraduate Students
Yang Hu